Backyard Chicken How To's

Chicken Breeds: The 5 Best Egg Layers
When it comes to backyard chicken keeping, we all want the best of both worlds: happy, healthy hens that lay eggs like it's their full-time job. But not all chickens...
Chicken Breeds: The 5 Best Egg Layers
When it comes to backyard chicken keeping, we all want the best of both worlds: happy, healthy hens that lay eggs like it's their full-time job. But not all chickens...

How Much do Chickens Cost---And Are They Worth it?
So, you've been bitten by the backyard chicken bug. Maybe you dream of fresh eggs every morning or simply love the idea of feathery companions waddling around your yard. But...
How Much do Chickens Cost---And Are They Worth it?
So, you've been bitten by the backyard chicken bug. Maybe you dream of fresh eggs every morning or simply love the idea of feathery companions waddling around your yard. But...

Chicken's Body Temperature: The Truth About Win...
Winter is coming, and while your chickens might look as fluffy as a well-shaken feather duster, you might still be wondering: Can they really handle the cold? Let’s crack open...
Chicken's Body Temperature: The Truth About Win...
Winter is coming, and while your chickens might look as fluffy as a well-shaken feather duster, you might still be wondering: Can they really handle the cold? Let’s crack open...

Chickens, Worms, and Poop...Oh My! Deworming an...
Welcome to the glamorous world of backyard chicken keeping, where the eggs are plentiful, the clucks are constant, and, unfortunately, the worms are...well, a little too eager to join the...
Chickens, Worms, and Poop...Oh My! Deworming an...
Welcome to the glamorous world of backyard chicken keeping, where the eggs are plentiful, the clucks are constant, and, unfortunately, the worms are...well, a little too eager to join the...

Chicken Gizzards: What the Heck is it?
Chicken gizzards, the unsung heroes of poultry anatomy. If you’ve ever looked at a chicken and wondered, “What in the cluck is a gizzard?”—you’re not alone. These little powerhouses play...
Chicken Gizzards: What the Heck is it?
Chicken gizzards, the unsung heroes of poultry anatomy. If you’ve ever looked at a chicken and wondered, “What in the cluck is a gizzard?”—you’re not alone. These little powerhouses play...

Chickens Who Eat Their Own Eggs: And what to do...
The horror! You’re heading out to the coop, basket in hand, visions of fluffy omelets dancing in your head, only to find your hens have turned into egg-eating bandits. Why...
Chickens Who Eat Their Own Eggs: And what to do...
The horror! You’re heading out to the coop, basket in hand, visions of fluffy omelets dancing in your head, only to find your hens have turned into egg-eating bandits. Why...